
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Safety in His Hands

For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I am will help thee. 

The pictures you see above are of the statue titled, "The Christus" by Bertel Thorvaldsen

If any of you are not aware, I was called to serve a mission in Nauvoo, Illinois. In the Visitors Center in that historic town, there stands a masterpiece: a symbol of the faith of the early members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and of the many who have ever believed in the Savior; no matter their religion. For 7 months I stood at the feet of this statue at wonder and amazement. The first week that I was serving my mission, I felt very overwhelmed by my inadequacies. I felt very incapable of the great task ahead of me. I felt like a little child who had just been asked the impossible. How was I supposed to answer questions? How was I supposed to talk to strangers? How was I supposed to learn all of the history of the people of Nauvoo? Did I have strong enough faith? What IS faith?
I doubted. I was afraid. I felt as if another should take my place.
I took a deep breath.
I noticed that there was no one around me.
I was alone.
But not alone.
I was standing next to the Savior.

Then, I looked at the beautiful statue I had seen many times before, but yet had not ever really seen. Time seemed to stand still as I stared at the artists' rendition of the Savior. Although I have never seen the Savior before, I knew in that moment that the depiction of Jesus Christ was accurate. 
I knew that I was looking at a reflection of my friend.

In that very moment where I felt like someone else should stand in my place,
and like no one else understood what I was feeling inside.
I looked up and realized something:
There has been another in my place, 
and I was standing at His feet.

In that moment I was filled with an all encompassing love. I thought I understood the love of the Savior, but this deepened that understanding. Not only was His life for our sins, but He lived to help us overcome our fears and weaknesses.
He came to invite us to take His hand and to fear not.

"Look unto the Lord in every thought; doubt not, fear not"
I'm glad I learned a valuable lesson that day. May you know that the Savior has walked in your shoes as well and He wants to help you.


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